What colour of fabric for embroidery should I choose?
What colour of fabric for embroidery should I choose?
You see a beautiful cross stitch pattern, and this important question arises: What colour of fabric would be the most appropriate to display this beautiful embroidery pattern?
We come to the rescue, because we know how important it is to choose the colour of the fabric for embroidery. Let's take a look at them.
1. Aida in white
White colour is reliable many times, but is it always hit? Imagine white snowflakes on a white fabric. White aida for embroidery will certainly work for patterns in which the white colour of the floss does not dominate.
2. Aida in navy blue
Navy blue is a strong colour that works best with bright embroidery. The navy blue aida with an embroidered pattern creates a warm, cozy atmosphere. It looks great in small utility embroidery as a Christmas ornament or a table runner.
3. Aida in salmon colour
4. Aida in cappuccino colour
Cappuccino is not only one of the favourite coffee proposals, it is the colour of the aida for embroidery, which always takes us with the embroidered patterns to pleasant memories.
5. Aida in ecru
Ecru will visually warm up our design. Can the Aida for ercu embroidery be used instead of white? Why not? - one might answer.
6. Aida in black
The black colour of the canvas for embroidery certainly emphasizes the colours of the mouline threads used in the pattern, gives depth and introduces a hint of mystery. When embroidering on a black aida, it is worth checking yourself and seeing if the embroidery on it is as demanding as some people say?
7. Aida in blue
The blue colour of the fabric for embroidery - is it only suitable for children's embroidery? Of course not! - yes, anyone who loves this colour will answer.
8. Aida in green
Green is amazing not only in spring. The green embroidery canvas contributes to giving a festive atmosphere not only to Christmas embroidery patterns.
9. Aida in red
The red colour of aida is like love that attracts, tastes juicy and it is impossible to live without it! Cross- titch Valentine's Day embroidery on a red background with shiny white mouline is a dazzling combination. It is worth finding out that it is so.
10. Aida in grey
Gray sounds gloomy? And it shouldn't! Gray embroidery fabric is a classic with elegance that will provide each embroidered pattern with a beautiful and subtle setting.
11. Aida in graphite
The graphite colour of the fabric for embroidery is a new discovery among embroiderers! Whoever tries it will be delighted and will not be disappointed.
You don't have to look far to find such a wide range of colours to find the right cross stitch material for you. All you have to do is click here, and the full colours of our embroidery fabrics will appear in front of your eyes. Feel invited!
All the colours of aida canvases for cross stitch can be purchased at Coricamo: